Monday, September 5, 2011

CPU Fans

A processor or CPU is the most important part of a desktop computer. There are many components of a desktop computer, such as motherboard, hard drive, processor and other essential parts that make up a working team. The fan is very important for a desktop computer because it keeps the computer cool while you work.

If the fan fails, the computer will shut down automatically as it is overheating. Use can permanently damage a computer without a fan and turn the components no longer soon. Most people who use computers are not computer technicians. Many people like me who use computers for business, education and entertainment. If something is wrong with the equipment, people, or send it to a computer technician, or in extreme cases, the garbage that does not go beyond a computer and buy a new one. In any case, the problem is expensive.

One of the cheapest ways to fix the problem. Fixing a computer is even frightening, especially if you do not know how. Most of the elements that make up the team have to solve a very practical, because the components are easy to install. For example, the fan of a typical desktop PC, simply plug-in. Besides viruses and injury accidents, overheating, faulty or damaged fan is also a major problem in IT operations.

It is very frustrating when something very important to do on the computer and not because it was too hot. If you repair or replace the CPU fan would go better if you can find the plans or instructions for the advice. You can go online or to the library and find the company with the device. In general, most desktop computers have the same, but depending on the brand or style, have some fans in different parts of the computer. The processor fan may be next to the motherboard, but in most cases, usually food. The power supply fan and power supply are usually on the back of the desktop computer. Here are some simple steps to replace a fan with a typical desktop computer.

1) Before you even begin to replace the CPU fan, make sure the fan on the right side. Not all fans of gaming desktop differently. Every software company has its own fan on your processor. Always with a certified vendor or a computer technician check to make sure that the fans can buy one for the office. You can begin to replace the fan on the desktop when you to have the most appropriate.

2) by the housing of the computer to start. The housing is either bolted or with a lever. Most cases are held in place by screws, if you need a screwdriver. When removing the case screws, the screws, remove the box and place it on the page. Keep the screws around the housing.

3) Locate the CPU fan, chances are a few screws on the side of the motherboard and / or services installed. It should be replaced screws on the old fan. Most fans are simply plug-in. To remove the old CPU fan to separate, and again the new fan. (If you bought a new fan in the computer store, chances are it will with instructions on how to come replace the fan.)

4) After the change of the mounted CPU fan. Not the case in the computer is still necessary to check and see whether the fan is running. Connect your computer and restart it. After the review, whether from the fans and put on the back of the housing and tighten. That's it! If you are unsure how to change are the CPU fan on your own, you can always use the support forums online via computer or technical. You can also use the search engines. There are also online chat rooms techniques that can help you.


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